Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Kinerja Pegawai pada RSUD Haji Makassar

Fitriana M. Sabir


ABSTRACT The purpose of this study are to: 1) analyze the influence of motivation, competence and discipline of work on performance Employee Hospital Haji Makassar, 2) analyze the influence of motivation, competence, discipline, and work together - equal to the performance Employee Hospital Haji Makassar, 3) determine which factor is the most dominant influence on employee performance Haji Makassar Hospital. The data used are primary data and secondary data. The study population was all employees of hospitals Haji Makassar totaling 66 people. The samples taken are 66 people with saturated sampling method. Data collected through questionnaires and documentation. Methods of data analysis using descriptive analysis and multiple linear regression using SPSS as the tool of analysis. The results showed that either partially or simultaneously variables of motivation, competence, and work discipline positive and significant impact on the performance of employees at Hospital Haji Makassar, although still significant influence but competence variable whose influence most dominant performance of employees that need special attention in order support the promotion of employee performance at Hospital Haji Makassar. Keywords: Effect of Motivation; Competenc; and the Discipline of the work on employee performance


Effect of Motivation; Competenc; and the Discipline of the work on employee performance

DOI: https://doi.org/10.33857/pamj.v1i1.49


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