Rancang Bangun Sistem Informasi Berbasis Web Ditoko Buku Andalusia

Tamus Bin Tahir, Muh Rais


The purpose of this study is to produce a new information system design on information systems in the Andalusian Bookstore. so that it can help the transaction process and data processing of books at the Andalusian Bookstore and simplify the process of making reports. The method used is the FAST (Framework for Application System Thinking) consisting of phases of Scope Definition, Problem Analysis, Requirements Analysis, Logical Design and Physical Design. The design of the Information System uses PHP and HTML and MYSQL as the database. The results of this research are the implementation of a web-based information system that can help overcome the problems that have occurred in the Andalusian Bookstore. With this Web-based Information System it will facilitate the processing of data and making timely reports at the Andalusian Bookstore so that problems with the manual system can be overcome.


Information Systems, FAST Method, PHP, MySQL

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.33857/patj.v3i2.281


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