The Effect of Shareholding on Dividends Obtained by The Regional Government of Sinjai Regency

Zainal Abidin


The purpose of the company is to maximize the wealth of shareholders or owners of the
company (wealth of the shareholders) .These normative objectives can be realized by
maximizing the market value of the company (market value of the firm) .To maximize the value
of the company can be achieved through the implementation of financial management
functions.This study aims to determine the effect of independent variables namely the ownership
of capital and the dependent variable is the dividend of Regional Government of Sinjai Regency.
This research is descriptive quantitative. This research uses secondary data in the form of
financial statements obtained from PT. Bank Sulselbar branch of Sinjai Regency during the
period 2012 to 2016. Data were analyzed by using multiple linear regression analysis. The
result of the research showed that independent variable in the form of stock ownership had
positive and significant effect to the dependent variable that was obtained by dividend of
Government of Sinjai Regency.


Shareholding, Dividend Earning, financial performance

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