Patria Artha Journal of Community (PKM)

Journal titlePatria Artha Journal of Community (PKM) 
Frequency2 Issue per year ( April and October)
DOIPrefix 10.33857 by  
ISSN 2809-0055 Online
Editor-in-chiefDr. Nurmati, S.E., M.Si
PublisherLPPM Universitas Patria Artha
CitationScholar | Garuda 

Patria Artha Journal of Community (PKM) Universitas Patria Artha is a journal that publishes research articles on the results of community service with a focus and scope in the fields of Engineering, Economics, Health, Education, Humanities.  Patria Artha Journal of Community (PKM) invites lecturers, researchers, reviewers, practitioners to submit scientific papers or articles on the results of community service. Entries will be peer reviewed. After the review process is complete, the results of the review will be informed to the author through the Open Journal System (OJS). Patria Artha Journal of Community (PKM) E-ISSN : 2809-0055 is published twice a year in April and October.

Vol 4, No 2 (2024): Patria Artha Journal of Community

Table of Contents


Liliskarlina Liliskarlina, Mas Ayumi, Korlina Korlina
Sandi Rais, Lita Asyriati, M. Fadly Abbas, Yulinda Sakinah Muni, Sukiman B Sukiman B, Sahdar Radjak, Syarif Al Fajrin
Hamdayani Hamdayani, Fauziyah Annisa, Kisena Gwijangge
Hadzmawaty Hamzah, Liliskarlina Liliskarlina, Arif Atul Mahmuda Dullah
Sainah Iin Sainah, Muhammad Sofyan, Abdul Rahman
Surmayanti Surmayanti, Fitriana Jufri P, Sitti Maryam
Amaliah Natsir
Wahyuningsih Wahyuningsih, Sri Nurindasari, Brajakson Siokal, Rina Rina
Hudriani Jamal
Nurmiati Nurmiati, Ridwan Ridwan, Ilham Ilham, Murbayani Murbayani, Ismail Ismail