Pengaruh Karakteristik Individu dan Lingkungan Kerja terhadap Kinerja Pegawai dengan Modal Sosial sebagai Variabel Moderasi
environment partially and simultaneously on the performance of kelurahan employee in
Maulafa sub-district, (2) to know the influence of individual characteristic to the
performance of kelurahan employee in Maulafa sub-district with social capital as
moderation variable, (3) mengatahui the influence of work environment on the
performance of kelurahan employees in the district Maulafa with social capital as a
moderation variable. The sample of 66 employees in 9 sub-districts in Maulafa subdistrict
was determined by proportional random technique. Data were analyzed by
multiple regression models and residual approach model. The result of the research
shows that (1) the individual characteristic and work environment either partially or
simultaneously have a significant effect on the performance of outgoing employees in
Maulafa sub-district, (2) individual characteristics have no significant effect on employee
performance moderated by social capital, (3) have a significant effect on employee
performance which is moderated by social capital.
Full Text:
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