This research aims to determine the implementation of establishing traditional villages in
Central Maluku and to determine and analyze the inhibiting factors in the implementation
of establishing traditional villages in Central Maluku. The type of research in this
research is qualitative research, with a total of 9 informants consisting of 3 heads of state
and 6 community leaders. Data collection techniques were carried out through
observation, interview guidelines and documentation. The data analysis technique uses
descriptive analysis in the form of data reduction, data presentation, data verification
and drawing conclusions. The research results found that the implementation of
establishing traditional villages in Central Maluku has not been optimal in terms of the
size and objectives of the policy, the existence of resources, the characteristics of
implementing agents, the attitudes shown, the implementation of communication between
organizations and the environment. This is due to the lack of socialization of Central
Maluku Regency Regional Regulation no. 10 of 2022 which is the legal umbrella for
regulating the determination of traditional villages. There are several obstacles in
implementing the determination of traditional villages in Central Maluku Regency,
including the socialization of Regional Regulations and their implementing regulations
regarding the determination of traditional villages, the lack of references and studies of
traditional villages that are in accordance with the rights of origin and customary law
applicable in Central Maluku Regency, and the lack of knowledge of government officials
and the community in determining traditional villages.
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