Peranan Komunikasi terhadap Efektivitas Kerja Bagian Pengadaan Barang dan Jasa Sekretariat Daerah Kabupaten Buru Selatan



This study aims to analyze the effect of office facilities and work discipline on the performance of employees in the Procurement Section of the Regional Secretariat of South Buru Regency, either partially or simultaneously. This research is descriptive by using a quantitative approach so that to support this research activity, the main data collection is carried out with a questionnaire using a Likert scale. The data analysis of this research used descriptive analysis and multiple linear regression. Based on the results of the analysis, it is known that office facilities have an effect on employee performance, while work discipline has no significant effect on employee performance in the Procurement Section of the Regional Secretariat of South Buru Regency. Simultaneously there is a significant influence between office facilities and work discipline on the performance of the employees of the Procurement Section of the Regional Secretariat of South Buru Regency. This means that the better office facilities coupled with the better work discipline of employees, the better the performance of employees in the Procurement Section of the Regional Secretariat of South Buru Regency, and vice versa.


facilities; discipline; employee performance

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